Monday, June 11, 2012

Can You Really Make Money Using The Internet?

Many people wonder if you can really make money on the internet. Most claim that making money on the internet is a huge scam. The truth is... YOU CAN MAKE MONEY USING THE INTERNET!

If you surf the internet, you will find many affiliate marketers claiming that they have developed a software program that can make you millions using the internet in no time. This is not the truth 90% of the time and for the other 10%, its not the whole truth. This is because no one can truly tell you want niche to market. Finding a suitable niche is by far the most important factor to making money using the internet. You have to be knowledgeable about your niche and enjoy writing about it. You will also have to take a large amount of time performing keyword research and what target demographic you wish market to.

If I am starting to lose you, let me say this..... Don't build a new unknown shoe store next to 30 other well know shoe stores. Most people that wish to pursue an online career build a website that has too much competition. I can show you how to do this but I can't show you what. If I were to show you what, that would be me throwing away another website that would make me more money. Let's be honest, why would I just give away money??? Anybody that claims to be doing that is not telling the truth.

Now you are probably wondering, what could I sell that no one else is selling on the internet??? If you are thinking this, you are moving in the wrong direction in understating how a successful online business works. For example, don't just sell shoes but be more specific and address a concerning topic like, "What shoes are best for a flatfooted person." By applying this method along with keyword research, you will start driving traffic to your website.

If you are still lost try doing this...
  1. Open four different internet browser windows to Google.
  2. In each window search these topics:
  • What shoes are best for a flatfooted person
  • Cheap shoes for people with flatfeet
  • Where can I find boots for flatfooted people
  • What are some doctor recommend footwear for flatfooted people
Did you notice that the search results were different for each one of those??? This is because of search engine optimization. There are billions of people using the internet across the world that can change the wording of a simple question.

It is my goal to show you how to properly research these keywords and rank for them on search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. You can make money online, it just take a little learning and some useful tools. Some of the software out there that promises you millions can greatly aid you but it won't do all the work for you. Check out, it is a free information website that a business partner and I designed to teach people how to make money using the internet. You will find just about everything you need to get started because the website explains everything including the internet vocabulary terms. also provides you with continuous updates about how to grow your online business. Start learning online business today you can have more time doing other things you love with your free time.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Building A List

Building a list is an important aspect to generating a higher online income and making the most of unique visitors that come to your site.If you are not successfully building a list, you are practically giving away money. Building a list allows you to reconnect with visitors that showed interest in your website or blog. People that gain a interest to your website or blog are high potential customers. I am going to greatly aid you in building a list by sharing some useful tips that with increase your email signup conversions.

Benefiting From Popup Domination
Popup Domination is a peace of software that can make a vast change in your email signup conversions. The software allows you to choose when the pop up occurs and how often. You can access the settings and change the email capture form to pop up when the reader is about to leave your page, when they first arrive or after a couple minutes.Popup Domination also allows you to incorporate a picture or video in you email popup capture form to entice the reader in signing up. When I personally installed this software, I saw a vast change in my conversions and I now use this software on every website I own.

Give Away Something Free
If you offer something free to your reader in exchange for their email, you will increase in your email signup conversions. I always recommend that you give away something relevant to your content that will benefit them. You can always capitalize on this method by..... Finish reading the article at Zebra Smart. Your free information site about online business and effective marketing.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Free Ways To Make Money Online From Home

If you are seeking for the best ways to make money online from home, I would recommend that you start with the free route. The free route consist of creating a Blogger, Google Adsense and affiliate account. Creating these three accounts is you first big step to establishing an online income from home.

What is a Blogger Account?
A blogger account is a page that consist of your writings, images videos and more. You write up a post of short article discussing a topic and add images, video and other HTML.

What is Google Adsense?
Google Adsense is a pay per click advertising tool. A company will pay Google to advertise for them and you place these ads on your blog. Google generates the ad for you and relates it to your posted articles. Every time someone visits your blog and clicks on one of those ads, you get payed a small amount.

What is an Affiliate Account?
An affiliate account is when you play the middle man for a bigger company. Many businesses have affiliate programs that you can sign up for and make money recommending their products. When you suggest a product to your followers and they buy it, you make a commission.

How is this an excellent way to make money online from home?
I can bet that you have a Facebook account or though about getting one. When you post something on Facebook, people will "LIKE" your status and sometime comment on it. The reason why people do this is because they are interested in what you have to say. My best advice to you is to create a blog focused on something you have a fair share of knowledge about. Expressing passion toward your subjects drives your readers to want more and keep coming back to your blog. If you are provide valuable content, people will follow your writings.

For example, lets say you enjoy video games. You can write reviews for newly released games and comparisons. Some people make click on the ads and sometimes you can recommend a product or book using your affiliate link. If someone buys that product or book, that money in your pocket.

These are only a couple of different ways to make money online from home. If you would like to learn more about making money online from home, you should check out It is a free information site that provides affiliate marketing tutorials on how to drive traffic to your blog or website.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How To Make Money For Free

I am going to show you how to make money for free using the internet and it will not cost you a penny. This method will not draw a big income but it can show you how to establish a little bit of revenue.

The first step to learn how to make money for free is create a blogger account like the one you are reading now. I would recommend that you create a blog that has something to do with a topic or subject you have good knowledge about. I would also recommend that this subject be something you have a passion about. When people read your blog, they can tell if you like what you are talking about and if your knowledgeable about it. Blogging about something allows your thoughts and opinions to be broadcasted across the internet. If people like what you have to say, they will start to follow you and trust in your words.

The second step on how to make money for free is to establish an Google AdSense account. Google AdSense puts ads on your blog that is relevant to the topic you are discussing. When readers click these ads, you profit a small income for posting these advertisements to your site. The revenue for this method is not high but if you start to establish a larger following, you will see an increase in your Google AdSense profits.

The last step is to sign up for an affiliate account at a site that is relevant to your topics. For example, if you are discussing useful tips of gardening, you might what to recommend a book about plant sun expositor. Your reader will be comfortable with your recommendations because of your valuable knowledge you provide in your blog postings.

These methods on how to money money for free are simple but only the beginning to establishing a strong and steady income online. If you would like to learn more about how to make money for free online, I would recommend that you check out a website called It is a free information site that provides you will valuable step by step affiliate marketing tutorials on how to make money for free. Thank you for reading. :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Facebook Affiliate Marketing Help

Practicing effective affiliate marketing techniques comes in a wide verity of formulas and methods. If you wish to expand your viral outreach on Facebook, I would highly recommend purchasing a qualified automated software to aid you in your social network maintenance. If spending more money is not in your budget at this time, I suggest you implement some of these simple methods to help your marketing network grow.

Build A Facebook Fan Page
Having a person account on Facebook is good and all but you are only limited to 5,000 friends. Establishing a Facebook fan page allows you to expand your following to millions. Your online business will have a more professional appearance and Facebook users will be able to read more information about your company from their comfort zone. Sometimes building multiple Facebook fan pages based on discussable subjects related to your website niche is a good method of building a funnel to your affiliate website.

Design A Facebook Welcome Page
Building a welcome page allows users to view a professional and neatly deigned presentation about your company before turning away. Implementing a welcome page will provide you with a higher conversion of likes. There is a site called Pagemodo that allows you to add one welcome page to one Facebook fan page. You welcome

Provide Awesome Content
Being a successful affiliate marketer is not about making a sale all of the time. People like to be given freebees and fun information on occasion. You will see more customer response when you give away stuff allowing you to reach out to their friends when they share your content.

Facebook Picture Tagging
I would highly recommend not to abused this tactic because it can drive your following away. If you apply these method sparingly, you can gain exposure and website traffic. Tag your friends in picture advertisement and be certain to include your website URL and details in the description box.

These tips are just a few useful tips to help you with your Facebook affiliate marketing techniques. For more useful information about integrating social networking into your affiliate marketing campaign, check out You will find free information about the benefits of affiliate article marketing and step by step affiliate marketing tutorials

What Makes Up Effective Marketing?

What makes up effective marketing? It appears as if everybody accepts another resolution, but once it boils down to it, it's YOUR response that's most significant. That's because you're the one who accepts to decide whether or not your marketing is cultivating; whether it's growing a favorable give back on an investment.  

As a business proprietor, you might also be functioning with a business sector or marketing coach who's aiding you on preparing your marketing program, formulating marketing campaigns and then realizing what outcomes you are acquiring and what they imply to your business.

You could attend a marketing seminar or study a business article. You may even speak to your cousin's wife's sister's dad who upright occurs to be a flourishing chief executive officer. Regardless of who you address for skillful counseling about marketing and additional views of constructing your business, it is authoritative to realize how you define marketing and how they view marketing so that you are forever comparing apples to apples.

What Marketing is not....

Before we get into what marketing represents, allow me to lecture a little about what it isn't. Marketing is not your internet site; although your site is a component of your marketing. It isn't promoting, although promoting happens to be a component of the marketing formula for numerous companies.

Furthermore, marketing is not straight mail, advertisements, fliers, pamphlets, yellow pages, seminars, or your company logo. These tokens are all things you might (or might not) apply during the method of marketing, but they are all definitely not marketing by themselves.

What Marketing represents....

Marketing represents the action from which you adopt and keep clients. It calls for the method of extending to your objective audience to acquaint them to your business and make them well aware that you exist.

It calls for the technique of informing those potential clients that you recognize and understand their concerns, frustrations and wants; that you have formulated a result that they can trust on and that your answer constitutes more beneficial than the other available alternatives for a mixture of rationalities.

Marketing represents the know-how by which candidates are incorporated into your business and become buyers for the 1st time; and it's the technique by which preexisting purchasers are conveyed with, backed and, finally, sold to on a current basis.

Marketing, equally it turns out, is another phrase for sales.

Yeah, you really need marketing to survive even if your business relies entirely on buzz referrals to adopt fresh business and if buyers come back to do business with you over and over.

Marketing is about how you communicate with your candidates and buyers. It's about how you speak to them (rather than "at" them) before, during and after the action of dealing with them.

Finally, marketing is about you. It's about establishing the technique of researching and buying a product or service and making it pleasurable.

Execute it substantially and people will be beating down your door. Execute it badly and your business will, in all likelihood fall apart.

If you would like to learn about online marketing, check out
You will find a vast amount of information regarding affiliate article marketing and affiliate marketing tutorials

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Why Internet Marketing Is A Scam

Over the past 12 years, affiliate marketers have been tricking people into get rich quick scams. You read and hear stories of lost investments and broken promises. The reason behind the internet being a scam is that its really NOT.

Many people buy into false advertisements and software that fully don't explain how to build a successful business online. I've have not found a piece of software that can do everything for you and make thousands. If a software like this existed, I wouldn't imagine anyone selling it because they would use it for there advantage. Internet marketing, SEO and affiliate marketing is only profitable if you posse the proper know-how. It all starts with the foundation of your online business and the knowledge Whitehat vs Blackhat methods.

I can't write everything you need to know in one article, but what I can do is share an important step. Dedicate a large amount of time performing research on what niche you wish to enter and the related keywords. This may seem obvious enough but if your affiliate website did not draw a profit, you ether failed in building a foundation or building SEO. SEO and building your website's foundation are both easy but extremely time consuming. If done right, there is a 100% chance you will turn a profit.

If you would like to learn how to build a profitable affiliate website and read some affiliate marketing tutorials, check out my website Everything you need to know about making money online is there. It's a free information with no membership fee. Your Welcome! :)